








... is not a department,
but our lived philosophy!


... is not a department,
but our lived philosophy!

ARCTIS stands for the highest
customer satisfaction

Qualified and committed employees, deep-freeze storage and delivery logistics that meet the highest standards, an IT infrastructure that enables precise support and the fastest possible way to take customer orders – ARCTIS offers a service that is constantly optimized in terms of energy and thus follows contemporary sustainability criteria.

Ein kreatives Collagenbild zeigt Mitarbeiter in einem Büro, die auf ein erfolgreiches Projekt anstoßen, und eine Person, die einen Handstand macht, mit dem Text ‘Für Sie stehen wir Kopf’.

Our team

ARCTIS emphasises the importance of qualified and committed employees.

Our entire team will be happy to assist you with all questions relating to ordering, service, products and prices. Our sales representatives can help you with product questions and baking demonstrations over the phone or directly on site.

Logistics & Quality

What is outstanding about ARCTIS’ frozen storage logistics?

The shortest possible routes for the goods from the final stage of the baking process (bakery Sehne), through blast freezing and on to the frozen baked goods warehouse ensure the ultimate in product quality.

Maximum product availability is ensured by a generously dimensioned deep-freeze warehouse with around 3,800 pallet spaces.

Gefülltes Tiefküllager mit belegten Palettenstellplätzen
Gefülltes Tiefküllager mit belegten Palettenstellplätzen

Logistics & Quality

What is outstanding about
ARCTIS’ Frozen storage logistics?

The shortest possible routes for the goods from the final stage of the baking process (bakery Sehne), through blast freezing on to the frozen bakery warehouse ensure the ultimate product quality.

Maximum product availability is ensured by a
generously dimensioned deep-freeze warehouse with around
3,800 pallet spaces.

Die LKW flotte von ARCTIS vor dem Firmengebäude

We are unique

What is unique about ARCTIS’ delivery logistics?

An uninterrupted frozen food chain thanks to our company-owned, neutral frozen food trucks in the greater Baden-Württemberg area. We deliver from one day to the next, even several times a week.

As sustainability is important to us, we guarantee to take back the cardboard packaging we supply for transportation. In addition, our transport refrigeration is provided exclusively by electric refrigeration systems.

ordering service

Our webshop – the fastest way to your order.

Once registered, you can log in repeatedly at lightning speed, regardless of time and place, and order your desired products. Every product you have already ordered in the online-shop can be found in an overview list for easy reordering.

Ein Laptop und ein Smartphone zeigen den Warenkorb einer Tiefkühlbackwaren-Website mit ausgewählten Produkten.
Ein Laptop und ein Smartphone zeigen den Warenkorb einer Tiefkühlbackwaren-Website mit ausgewählten Produkten.

Fastest ordering service

Our webshop – the fastest way to your order.

Once registered, you can log in repeatedly at lightning speed, regardless of time and place, and order your desired products. Every product you have already ordered in the online-shop can be found in an overview list for easy reordering.